> Seth Underwood Stories: Rosella Tolfree's World and Current Events of the Russian-Ukraine War

Rosella Tolfree's World and Current Events of the Russian-Ukraine War

I’m finding it hard these days with Russian-Ukraine War taking place in Europe to write anything for Rosella Tolfree’s World. I predicate a lot of her world on current events and extrapolating them into the future. But I do not know where this war is going. I see multiple possibilities from a negotiated peace and cease fire for the next ten to twenty years to Putin getting everything he wants to all out thermonuclear war (which in theory is the least likely).

While many think-tank pundits thought the War in Ukraine was inevitable, for me, it was a shock. The invasion of Crimea was back in 2014, but it didn’t make a dent in my consciousness, unlike the COVID-19 pandemic and the events of 9-11. And I was old enough to pay attention back in 2014, but clearly it wasn’t a big enough thing in our nation to leave an impression.
As a fiction writer using current events, I’m simply going to wait it out. Work on some other projects for a time. If we all don’t get blown up from a nuclear holocaust before then.

From-  https://www.rosellatolfree.com/home/rosellas-world-and-current-events-of-the-russian-ukraine-war