> Seth Underwood Stories

Committee for Better Mental Health


I’ve done research into Neurodiversity, and I came across an interview by Autism Live of Mr. Jonathan Mitchell.

Mr. Mitchell is an older autistic who maintains a blog concerning neurodiversity. Newsweek wrote him up some time ago dealing with the debate over autism. He is opposed to the Neurodiversity movement and has received a considerable amount of hatred for it. That’s messed up if you ask me and exposes some flaws with this movement if this hatred is coming from it.

One of the common diagrams used by this movement is a “Spiky Profile” diagram. This diagram has IQ on the Y axis with various cognitive elements going down the X axis. It’s showing how ASDs are better in some things but not others.

This diagram is nothing more than a Venn diagram displayed in a linear format. Social researchers frequently use Venn diagrams in Critical Race Theory, but they call them intersectional diagrams.

We can display comparative information between two populations in multiple diagram formats. For example, we could use a simple bar chart instead of an X/Y graph for cognitive abilities.

But none of this proves anything except differences between measurements.

It can give fodder for Neurodiversity’s opposition to show that it’s proof of a pathology in need of correcting.

For Neurodiversity proponents to make the argument that various brain structures are nothing more than an evolutionary response, then they are going to need to prove why evolution has not favored this adaptation in the species overall. One in 160 children have autism in the world. That’s 0.00625 of all the children in the world.

Yeah, that’s a big number of kids when multiplied out. But still less than 1% of the overall population suggesting that it’s possibly a genetic disorder.

If we take the recent COVID-19 variants as a proxy for evolution, the Delta variant has subsumed all other variants so far in many global locations, showing the power of true evolution. If autism was a true evolutionary process of the human brain necessary for our survival, then natural selection would produce way more than less than 1%.

Now I’ve heard the Charles Babbage had Asperger’s, along with a host of other scientists. But all these men lived before a time of formal diagnosis, and we are only speculating. Despite its well documented in the modern era, most autistic men tend not to be creative in science. Most can’t even hold down a job, as noted by Mr. Mitchell’s own life. Yes, I would say a few higher end ASDs may end up in some scientific field, because of their obsessive pursuit of specific knowledge. But this requires them to have an obsession. Which the current criteria of the DSM puts into doubt since all they need is “two fixated interests and repetitive behaviours.” Which means those interests could be something inane and non-beneficial to society. For all we know, maybe these men were hyped up on drugs, maybe suffered from some form of untreated bipolar disorder, or a combination of all the above.

Read here about the Committee for Better Mental Health on www.rosellatolfree.com