> Seth Underwood Stories: Installment 6 of the Rosella Tolfree Stories is up

Installment 6 of the Rosella Tolfree Stories is up

I just released Installment 6 of the Rosella Tolfree series.

If all goes well the earlier installments will be released soon in Volume 5 of the Joseph Street Digest.

This installment technically takes places way before Rosella meets Jon. In a lot of ways it foreshadows how events unfold with Jon.

And yes, I know Fran is not the most "ideal" cloned person. But she did live a rather sheltered life with an addicted mother in a nowhere town. So her view of things can get a bit skewed. This is my take on her.

One final note- Haha is Japanese for Mother. It's not a racial slur. Just ask Google Translate.
